Agendaless Blog: screencast

SubstanceD Screencast #3: Starting the Server, Viewing the Admin Interface

This screencast is the third in a series of short tutorials on installing SubstanceD and using it to build a simple intranet application. It starts from where Episode 2 leaves off.

This episode demonstrates starting the WSGI server in development mode, viewing the default splash page in the browser, and logging into the the SubstanceD admin interface.

Annotated Commands

For those who'd like to read rather than listen, this is the set of commands outlined:

  1. Start the server using the development configuration:
    $ ../../bin/pserve development.ini
  2. Grep the generated, random password from the config file:
    $ cd src/myintranet
    $ grep passwword development.ini
  3. View the default splash page at http://localhost:6543/.
  4. Log into the SubstanceD management interface at: http://localhost:6543/manage.

posted: 2013-12-13 23:00  by Tres Seaver   |   permalink

SubstanceD Screencast #2: Generating the Initial 'myintranet' Project

This screencast is the second in a series of short tutorials on installing SubstanceD and using it to build a simple intranet application. It starts from where Episode 1 leaves off.

This episode demonstrates generating the initial version of the myintranet project, checking it into Git, and installing it and its added dependencies into the virtual environment.

Annotated Commands

For those who'd like to read rather than listen, this is the set of commands outlined:

  1. List the templates available for generating a project:
    $ bin/pcreate --list-templates
  2. Generate the myintranet project:
    $ cd src
    $ ../bin/pcreate --template=substanced myintranet
    $ cd myintranet
  3. Check the initially generated code into a local Git repository:
    $ git init .
    $ cat > .gitignore
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Initially-generated project."
  4. Install the project and its extra dependencies into the environment:
    $ ../../bin/python develop
  5. Verify that myintranet is importable from our checkout:
    $ cd ../..
    $ bin/python
    >>> import myintranet
    >>> print(myintranet.__file__)

posted: 2013-12-13 22:00  by Tres Seaver   |   permalink

SubstanceD Screencast #1: Setting Up the Environment

This screencast is the first in a series of short tutorials on installing SubstanceD and using it to build a simple intranet application.

This episode demonstrates creating a Python virtual environment and installing the SubstanceD software into it.

Annotated Commands

For those who'd like to read rather than listen, this is the set of commands outlined:

  1. Create a Python 3.3 virtual environment:
    $ /opt/Python-3.3.3/bin/pyvenv intranet
    $ cd intranet
  2. Install and update setuptools:
    $ wget
    $ bin/python3
    $ bin/easy_install -U setuptools
  3. Check out SubstanceD from Github:
    $ mkdir src
    $ cd src
    $ git clone
    $ cd substanced
  4. Run SubstanceD's to install it in the environment:
    $ ../../bin/python3 develop
    Note that this step also installs SubstanceD's dependencies.
  5. Verify that SubstanceD is importable from our checkout:
    $ cd ../..
    $ bin/python
    >>> import substanced
    >>> print(substanced.__file__)

posted: 2013-12-13 22:00  by Tres Seaver   |   permalink

SubstanceD Screencasts

We're starting a series of short (3 - 5 minute) screencasts, demonstrating the SubstanceD application development platform. The series is built around the tasks needed to set up a simple intranet site.

For an overview of SubstanceD as a development platform, start with the talk given by Chris McDonough at the RuPy 2013 confernce: "SubstanceD: Building Civilized Web Applications".

posted: 2013-12-13 21:30  by Tres Seaver   |   permalink