Pyramid for Plone Developers
Pyramid has emerged as a fast, modern, lightweight web framework for the Pylons and Zope communities. When you just need a web app, and not a full CMS, Pyramid lets you retain many of the same Plone technologies or start from scratch.
This hands-on tutorial covers a little about a lot: practical introductions to the most common facilities. Fun, fast-paced, and most certainly not aimed at experts.
The tutorial is broken into major areas, starting with constructing a dummy UI/UX. Each major area is then broken into a series of steps in which a very small number of concepts is introduced in each step. Working code is gradually built up.
As explained in the scenario, the sample application is a project management system for multiple companies with multiple projects. We chose traversal and ZODB as the primary architecture for this tutorial.
- Scenario
- Tutorial Setup
- Creating a Custom UX for Pyramid
- Resources, Hierarchies, and Traversal
- Forms and Schemas with Deform and Colander
- Security in Pyramid
- Using repoze.catalog
- Storing content in the ZODB
Two days (16 - 17 June, 2014)
$300 per student. Includes catered lunch and snacks each day.